Jesus was a person with an absolutely magnetic character.  He drew men and women around him who left everything else to hear him speak, see his miracles and just be with him.

In the same way, God looks for his people to be "influencers" in the world.  That's the subject of May's Sunday morning series at Lafayette First Assembly.

This is not a  "develop the leader within you" kind of series with 12 simple points for becoming a better leader, but instead seeks to illuminate what kind person Jesus intends for everyone following him to be.

Among the things planned for this series is a visit from former First Assembly senior pastor, Charles and Dixie Hackett.  I'll be interviewing him on Sunday morning, May 20 to explore just how his ministry and our church impacted the entire community.  You won't want to miss it!

Whether you're a soccer mom, a nursing home resident, a university professor, a business owner or a farmer--no matter what you do--you're called to make a difference from your life in this world.  Join me with an open mind and heart--even if you've never seen yourself as a leader--

Here are the topics we'll explore:

May 6           Marked By Jesus               Luke 5:1-11
May 13         Gifted                                2 Timothy 1:5-7
May 20         Redemptive Reach             Luke 19:1-10
May 27         Empowered                       1 Corinthians 2:1-5

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