Nothing else like the stories of what Jesus did kindles and rekindles the flame of faith in my own life!  During October and November, we'll be visiting these 2000 year-old stories again and finding fresh application for ourselves in the 21st Century!

Below you'll see what days we'll be focusing on what stories so you can read ahead.  Be sure to invite people in your life to come with you to hear in person these stories that generate hope and faith in the incomparable Christ!

October 7          Water to Wine          John 2:1-11
October 14        Feeding 5000            Mark 6:30-43
October 28        Walking on Water    Matthew 14:22-36

November 4       Calming the Storm   Mark 4:35-41
November 11     Man Born Blind        John 9:1-41
November 25     Raising Lazarus        John 11:1-44 

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