Here is #16 of 31 Questions in 31 Days! To learn more about this 31 Day series, just search "31 Questions" in the search bar above or click here!
Q #16: What is the third heaven mentioned in 2 Corinthians 12:2?
A: Paul was speaking, perhaps about someone he knew or about himself, and refers to a person caught up into the "3rd heaven".
"The third heaven" is "the city of God"--the place where we conceptualize God living. The first heaven is the sky. The second heaven is outer space.
That's it for now. Hope you enjoyed this quick one!
Check out more posts from the 31 Questions series on subjects as varied as marijuana, infidelity, 666, the eternal destiny of children who die, dealing with discouragement, cremation, co-habitation, baptism, suicide, prayer, the origins of scripture, hell, work, and even speaking in tongues!